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::Why Use One::
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::Why Use One::

Why use a professional pet / house sitter?
There are several reasons as to why to turn to a professional pet/house sitting business, such as Happy Tails Pet Care.
I have listed some of the most important examples below

Reduce Stress--With Happy Tails Pet Care service, your pet(s) stay in their own familiar, secure surroundings, without running the risk of stress being placed in a boarding facility or someone else's home. This allows them the sights, sounds, and smells that all say "HOME".
  Reduce "travel trauma"-- Being transported is a stressful time not only for your pet, but for you as well. 
 Health reasons--Staying home reduces the risk of exposure to illnesses that could be passed on from other animals in close quarters.
 Routine--Pets, just like ourselves, hate to have routines disrupted.  Let your pet stay with their customary diet and exercise routines. 
Peace of mind--A professional pet sitter makes this their number 1 priority, the well being of your beloved pet. You can travel with the confidence that your pet and home are in safe, capable, caring hands.
No imposition--No more need to impose this responsibility on a friend, neighbor, or family member.  Instead, you can rely on a pet care professional who will make your pet their top priority.
Security--A professional sitter will give your home that "lived-in" appearance.  Happy Tails Pet Care follows the "no vehicle advertising" rule for added security.
Insurance--Many home-insurance policies insist residences not be left unattended for a period of time -- the norm being 72 hours.  If, forbid, damage or theft occurs, coverage could be denied. 
 Special Services--It is my job to oversee all home services while caring for your pet, such as watering plants, bringing in the mail, or taking out your garbage and recycling. As well as many other services that I happily provide.
TLC--Above all, your pet(s) receive love, kisses and personal attention while you are away. Many pets can suffer from Separation Disorder and become highly stressed with the owners absence.  Happy Tails Pet Care helps to alleviate this with plenty of TLC